To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we use a simple average.
To prove that our customer reviews are genuine we label them with our Verified Purchase badge. Click on this to see additional verifying characteristics such as date of purchase and the date we provided a first draft.
Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;
My big thanks for Claire and CV Center. This was an great experience.
I can't recommend enough their services. Claire was a great professional to work with.
She was kind and very knowledgeable. She did a great job on crafting my CV and cover letter for clean and amazing base to start with my application journey.
I will surely call for their services in near future if I would need it.
For those who take this road, please contribute to the transformation process you undergo with CV center. The great result is the one achieved together.
All my best wishes to you all.
Keep doing great Job :-)